Certify your plastic-free products with flustix

The renowned seals for plastic-free products and packaging

flustix Seal
Flustix Siegel Plastikfrei Verpackung

You offer plastic-free goods and want to communicate this USP with credibility, transparency and effectiveness to your customers (B2B) and consumers (B2C)? flustix offers you the secure possibility to certify your goods and to declare them with the approved plastic-free seals. Together with DIN CERTCO/TÜV Rheinland flustix provides this.

flustix seals offer credibility, legal certainty and financial advantages to distributors. Consumers receive transparent information at first glance directly at the point of sale (POS). flustix has been recognized and recommended as reliable and serious by political institutions as well as by NGOs and consumer protection organizations.
By the way: flustix also offers certification of the recyclability of packaging and an OnPack seal to go with it.

You would like a personal consultation?

Contact flustix at +49 (0) 30 398206962

Our partners
Logo DINCertco

Your benefits
Increase in customer confidence in your products
Legal certainty as opposed to uncertain & questionable self-declarations of the vendor
New purchasing incentives for educated, sustainably oriented consumers
Tested & certified plastic free products are relevant for public procurement

We are happy to send you more information!

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