Vision and Mission

Plastic Sustainability Meets Consumer Protection – Independent & Soution-Oriented

The plastic challenge has reached unprecedented proportions. Plastic can be found in food, water, and soils. The consequences for the environment are devastating. Animals and plants are dying. Our health is increasingly suffering. There is no doubt: we must rethink our plastic consumption. Today, plastic avoidance is at the heart of environmental protection and corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies. Our vision is a world in which we protect nature sustainably and use resources in the economy in an environmentally conscious manner. With flustix, we are committed to plastic sustainability and thus stand for a responsible approach to plastic materials as well as a functioning circular economy.

Our mission is a meaningful use of plastics:
Avoid, use responsibly, and recycle!

flustix does not aim to demonize plastic in general but wants to use the valuable material only where it is really necessary, such as in medicine, public service, or transportation. Reducing single-use plastic is our central concern. To achieve this, we support environmental organizations, research, and education on the topic. In society and politics, the issue has already taken hold and is increasingly recognized as an opportunity by the economy and businesses. Markets are responding decisively to the demands and willingness to act by consumers. Our mission is to enable maximum transparency and credibility for innovative manufacturers with flustix within the entire supply chain (B2B and B2C): none of our seals are issued without external testing and independent licensing. The independence of our seal prevents misleading consumers.

Grafik zu Wirtschaft Gesellschaft und Umwelt

flustix is a Bonus, Not a Penalty

The consumer seal flustix, through its strict testing process and seal issuance, has earned consumer trust and aligns this with the interests of the economy. Fact is: Recycling rates have stagnated for years, nearly 60 percent of the approximately six million tons of plastic waste are “recycled” energetically in waste incineration plants. That means: burned! We must limit the production of single-use plastic and respond to consumers’ desires for less plastic. Only in this way can we create a constructive dialogue between economic actors and consumers that conserves the environment and finally actively accompanies political regulations.


Just flustix certified products represent a new standard in sustainable product design. Plastic is an eternal material. It does not rot but breaks down into ever smaller parts, making its accumulation a global environmental problem. flustix supports companies in their sustainability strategies in the area of responsible and optimized plastic use, the avoidance of microplastics, and circular economy.

Socially Beneficial

The reduction of plastic in products and packaging helps society as a whole to conserve resources. The bridge within supply chains and between companies and the population must be built: Only through transparent and independently verified sustainability communication can companies and consumers make secure purchasing decisions (further information in our White Paper on the EU Green Claims Directive).

plastic free economically-successful

Economically Successful

Plastic-reduced and recyclable products are more economically successful because they can be communicated as clearly sustainable to the end consumer. Additionally, the use of plastic and microplastics in products and packaging is being increasingly regulated on a legal level internationally, so companies with proven low-plastic or microplastic-free solutions benefit.

Plastic ends up in the environment…

…and does not rot there but becomes a danger to marine creatures, the soils, and nature as a whole. Over time, plastic breaks down into small parts – and plastic particles become toxic the smaller they get. Their surface area increases, allowing more toxins to adhere to the particles. The result: through food, water, and cosmetics, these toxins end up in animal and human organisms. Therefore, plastic avoidance and reduction take precedence over plastic recycling.

As the first independent Consumer Trustmark Series for 360-Degree Plastic Sustainability, flustix is an expert in transparent Sustainability Communication. B2B and from companies to consumers.

Would you like to find out how you can benefit from flustix certification? Then get to know us in a personal consultation: