Our certification mark

flustix labels products according to the flustix seal categories listed below. Three seals to certify the use of less plastics in products and packaging, one seal to certify products and product content free from microplastics. Additionally, flustix offers two seals to certify recycled or recyclable products, raw materials and components. Packaging and/or contents can also be tested and labeled separately. In this way, plastic savings, total elimination and / or circular design can be clearly communicated to the end consumer.

Is your company a pioneer in terms of the environment and material sustainability? Do you consciously avoid plastic or microplastics in products and/or rely on novel, alternative materials? Or are you developing innovative, plastic-free materials? If so, we would be delighted to work with you. Click here to go to the online inquiry area for the flustix LESS PLASTICS seals.

Do you process recycled materials and have your products made from or partially made with secondary (plastic) materials, or are you yourself a manufacturer of recyclates? Then the magenta-colored seal “flustix RECYCLED” is the right one for you. Click here to go to the online inquiry area for the flustix RECYCLED seal.

Do you rely on recyclable materials? Then the magenta-colored seal “flustix RECYCLABLE” is perfect for you. Click here to go to the online inquiry area for the flustix RECYCLABLE seal.

flustix LESS PLASTICS Total Product

This flustix seal certifies the complete product: packaging as well as content.
The flustix mark can be considered a milestone in consumer protection and sustainability certification: for the first time in history, producers are tested by an independent institution.

Flustix Recycled-Siegel

flustix RECYCLED

flustix is now making a clear stand against the production of virgin plastics from fossil fuels and thereby promotes the use of recyclates in goods. The certification is awarded for goods of any kind, which are fully or partly made from recycled plastics. The percentage of recycled plastics is determined by an audit analyzing the manufacturing process and products, including packaging. Subsequently, the product is labeled with the mark by Flustix and “DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für Konformitätsbewertung mbH”. Flustix is a reliable and economical solution to make the use of recycled plastic visible to consumers at first glance.

Flustix Recyclable Siegel

flustix Recyclable DINPlus

Together with the established certification partner DIN CERTCO, flustix certifies the recyclability of products, such as packaging. Manufacturers of sustainable products can obtain the flustix RECYCLABLE mark in a fast and easy way. The basis of the verification is a laboratory analysis in which the recyclability of the materials used in the product is proven.

flustix PLASTICFREE Product Content Microplastic-Free

This flustix trustmark certifies products, especially liquid product contents, that are microplastic-free. flustix tests and certifies with its accredited partners on the basis of the only internationally respected and followed microplastic definition by ECHA (incl. ISO/TR 21960:2020 Plastics – Environmental aspects – State of knowledge and methodologies). This refers to solid, water-insoluble plastic particles with a size of less than 5 mm, based on the longest dimension or diameter of the plastic particles. For Flustix, this also includes so-called bioplastics obtained from renewable resources. In accordance with the ECHA definition, liquid and water-soluble plastics are not taken into account, as these can hardly be detected analytically in terms of quality or not at all in terms of quantity according to the current state of analytical technology and thus a legally secure claiming cannot yet be guaranteed. As soon as research has progressed, flustix will also include these materials in its certification programmes.

flustix LESS PLASTICS Packaging

Products of any kind that are sold in a plastic-reduced packaging can be marked with this certification mark. Only the packaging, not the content, is certified.
This also includes consumer goods, which naturally contain no plastics, or may not be included for legal reasons: Food, may use the term “contains less plastics”, or “plastic-free” only for sales packaging.
Consumer goods which are naturally free of plastics or synthetics or are prohibited to contain such by law, such as food and beverages can only apply with the term “contains less plastics” or “free of plastics” for their sales packaging or trays. Is your brand a first-mover in terms of sustainability? Do you already pass on plastic packaging and utilize alternative materials such as glass, wood or paper? Then you qualify for this seal.

flustix LESS PLASTICS Product

This certificate applies for products which contain less plastics inside, but have to be packed in plastic due to sanitary reasons, such as medical appliances or similar. An example for products that are low in plastic, but need plastic packaging are, e.g., long-lasting items such as children’s toys, electronics or household goods or sanitary items.
If your brand manufactures products with such a plastic reduction or similar, you product can be tested and apply for the seal.