We need to rethink the use of plastic

By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish

Plastic consumption is now 20 times higher than it was 50 years ago

Every minute a truck load of plastic waste is dumped into the ocean

150 million tons of plastic is floating in our seas

No other country in Europe produces as much plastic waste as Germany

This year only, our planet will produce 450 million tons of plastic

We need to rethink the use of plastic

2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish

Plastic consumption is now twenty times higher than it was fifty years ago

Every minute a truck load of plastic waste is dumped into the ocean

150 million tons of plastic is floating in our seas

No other country in Europe produces as much plastic waste as Germany

This year only, our planet will produce 450 million tons of plastic



FLUSTIX is a seal which certifies plastic-free products. Only if both packaging and product are tested free of plastic will our independent license-partner RAL gGmbH award the FLUSTIX seal.

Our Goal

We want to reduce plastic waste and encourage industries to replace plastic with alternatives. By marking plastic-free products with the FLUSTIX seal, every customer can make a conscious and sustainable buying-decision.

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tons of plastic waste were produced by German households in 2014

FLUSTIX – no plastics!

What do we certify?

Marine pollution is one of the most prominent issues – but we also have a plastic problem in cosmetics, textiles and even food. Micro-plastic is everywhere and can often be found inside the human body these days.

Our solution is simple: The FLUSTIX seal certifies every product that manages without the use of plastic so that the customer can make a responsible choice.

When a manufacturer wants to be certified by FLUSTIX, its produce undergoes a strict testing process. Products, meaning content and packaging, are being tested for plastic contamination by FLUSTIX. In a second step, the product is sent to the independent, unbiased laboratory WESSLING GmbH which tests the product for its exact plastic content.

Every product on the German, Austrian and Swiss markets can be tested. Plastic can be found in:

plastic free cosmetics


Plastic free housewares


plastic free food


plastic free furniture


plastic free toys


plastic free technology


plastic free textiles


plastic free stationery


Definition “plastic-free”

An item can be defined as plastic-free when it reaches the customer consisting only of non-synthetic materials and substances. Contamination of products due to environmental influences or impurity in the production process cannot be fully excluded. Hence, we can allow for  0,5 percent contamination of the net weight of the packaged item.  

Testing by FLUSTIX

Sustainability plastic-free certification


The initiative tests item and packaging using our plastic-free standard.


The independent laboratory WESSLING GmbH tests the product using a specific material analysis. Only if the product is 99,5 percent free of plastic, the FLUSTIX seal is awarded by our license partner RAL.


Our license partner hands out the seal’s printing details and terms of use for the placement on the product and/or packaging.


Once the product has entered the market, compliance to the FLUSTIX plasticfree-standard is reassessed by our independent laboratory. At the same time, our license partner scans the market for misemployment of the seal on products to avoid green washing and fraud.

Our Product Seal

Produktzertifizierung plastikfrei
Label ohne Plastik
Plastikfrei Zertifizierung für Unternehmen


Communicating environmental responsibility

Corporations have the opportunity to clearly state their environmental responsibility regarding the reduction of plastics on the market using the FLUSTIX-Seal. FLUSTIX does not want to demonize plastics in general. We acknowledge plastics are absolutely vital in medicine and many areas. Instead, we want plastics to be seen as a precious resource, which we have to use responsibly and as little as possible. FLUSTIX guides the industry to a future less reliant on plastic. Get your product certified and receive the FLUSTIX-Seal!

Together against plastic pollution


Integrity is everything to us. Because our partners are independant, they insure environmental compliance. Items are tested by the independent and unbiased laboratory and the FLUSTIX seal is awarded only by our independent license partner. FLUSTIX is transparent and unbiased in every way. This process helps us to provide a sustainable system to reduce plastic waste.

Education against plastic pollution


FLUSTIX believes in the power of public opinion and open debate. Our broad communication strategy – social-, digital- and classical media – means to inform and educate about the plastic-issue. Every product that has been tested successfully by FLUSTIX will be introduced as plastic-free on the blog. Furthermore, we inform about the progress in science and research regarding the plastic subjec on our channels.

sustainability seal


Marine pollution caused by plastic is one of the most prominent and discussed issues of today. However, the problem is not only in the ocean. It is everywhere! With FLUSTIX you have the opportunity to make a conscious and sustainable buying-decision in order to produce less plastic waste.

Ideas for environmental protection


FLUSTIX is reliable: Products that have been awarded are re-tested again without knowledge of the manufacturer. The seal has to be renewed annually. Internally, our FLUSTIX standard is reassessed repeatedly by an independent committee consisting of activists, the green lobby, and sustainable innovators on the market.

Our Partners

Contact us

Kronprinzendamm 20
10711 Berlin


Tel.:+49 (30) 809333100

General inquiries: info@flustix.com
Press: r.eltahwy@biss-pr.de

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