Dear readers,
imagine for a moment that the yogurt tub or the packaging for the cold cuts in the refrigerator were made of gold. Would you just throw them in the trash after eating the contents? That sounds crazy! You handle such a valuable raw material as gold with care, keep it safe, make sure it doesn’t get contaminated during further processing, stays pure, and doesn’t land in the wrong hands.
If we would handle plastics in the same way – the world would be a much better place. We at flustix have a vision: instead of producing more and more plastic, we use the one that is in circulation and do so as long and as sustainably as possible. Good plastic is like gold. Durable, valuable, with many properties that we depend on in all aspects of life.
This is what this newsletter is about. We would like to inform you and raise awareness. On all topics related to plastics, recycling, circular economy, sustainable use of plastics. We want to contribute to stopping the contamination of our world with microplastics. This is what we create awareness for. Our partners in trade and industry appreciate this. Our seals are a visible symbol of this thinking. Here at our company, we call it the “lucky fish”. I think that speaks for itself.
From now on, we will be sending out our newsletter on a monthly basis. The topics are chosen by our flustix-experts. In this first issue, we deal intensively with fast fashion. I prefer to say disposable fashion. Producers or consumers, everyone can make an important contribution to sustainability. We also deal with climate-hostile subsidies for the production of new plastic. This is an issue that needs to be addressed urgently by the relevant ministries.
I am looking forward to your feedback.
Malte Biss
flustix founder and managing director