Sustainable consumption, waste avoidance, upcycling, recycling, energy saving, climate-friendly mobility – there are countless ways in which each of us can contribute to climate protection. The topic has also long been on the curriculum in schools. The flustix editorial team has discovered five projects that are truly exemplary.
“Vegetable Ackerdemie” in the school garden
The Freie Montessori Schule Westerwald (Rhineland-Palatinate) runs a school garden where students from grade one to grade ten work. On a weekly basis, groups of students take turns tending the beds. Depending on the season, radishes, tomatoes and strawberries grow here, and flowering meadows are also planted.

Forest meets school: math in an outdoor classroom

Unique and close to nature: The all-day school in Neunkirchen (Saarland) has launched the “Forest Meets School” project. In the outdoor classroom with a self-built shelter, seating and insect hotels, classic school subjects such as math, art and science are also taught.
School produces instructions for holistic sustainability project
Another exemplary project is what the Schleißheimer Straße middle school in Munich has already implemented in 2018: A project week on the topic of sustainable consumption, covering almost all subject areas. Excerpts from the project list: Upcycling (bicycles, textiles), alternative means of transport, tracking down waste, saving water, cooking together, sustainable use of food. A PDF flyer/a> was produced from the project week with the support of the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, and is available free of charge to all interested parties as inspiration and guidance for similar school projects.
SOS Earth – Musical with costumes and scenery made of garbage
This project has won an award: With a musical, the Oberhavel Children’s School in Oranienburg (Brandenburg) won the “Verein(t) für gute Kita und Schule” (Association for Good Daycare and School) sponsorship award from the Education Foundation. The foundation promotes sustainable projects – like the musical, in which kids designed costumes and backdrops out of trash. In the play, the children express their fears about the destruction of the environment, and ideas for environmental protection also appear on stage.
Protecting species at the coal-fired power plant
Pupils at the Friedrich von Bodelschwingh School in Bergkamen (North Rhine-Westphalia) are helping the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) to maintain species-rich wetlands.. What is special about the project is that the meadows are located in the immediate vicinity of the school – and of the coal-fired power plant, which has been in operation since 1978. The aim of the project: Even in an area dominated by industry, there are ecosystems worth protecting.