The daily news about extreme weather disasters, deadly forest fires, melting glaciers and climate crisis denying heads of state are inflationary and disillusioning – we from flustix therefore also look at the positive things. Here are five pieces of news that give us hope that our efforts for a better world are worthwhile.
Measures against climate collapse show effect
Reducing emissions has only very delayed effects because the climate system is too sluggish – this is a widespread misconception. Recent research is encouraging: If mankind were to stop the emission of greenhouse gases, this would be noticeable in the earth’s temperatures after only three to five years. This is what three renowned climate experts analyze in a guest article in the Washington Post.
The experts include Michael E. Mann, professor of atmospheric science at Penn State University, and Aleemul Huq, lead author of the IPCC climate report. They write, “Driving emissions down to zero would stop the global temperature rise almost immediately.” To be clear, this would not suspend all climate change, since ice masses and oceans respond very slowly. “But at least the relentless temperature rise would end quickly if emissions were halted – and time would be gained to develop solutions for dealing with the already unavoidable climate impacts.”
First Bundesliga stadium implements a zero-waste concept
Large-scale events with tens of thousands of people are a challenge in terms of sustainability. TSG Hoffenheim now has an answer: the Bundesliga football team’s stadium will be the first zero-waste one. Since the beginning of November, there is a new waste separation system in the arena, developed by PreZero, the sponsor and namesake of the stadium in Sinsheim (Baden-Württemberg). Thanks to the separation system, non-avoidable waste can be recycled.
So far, good 3.6 tons of waste had been generated during a home match day in the sold-out stadium. By next spring, 90 percent of the waste should be avoided or recycled. Hoffenheim has already taken action on beer sales: since January 2021, the club has been using cups made of polythene that can be rinsed up to 400 times. Previously, around half a million cups ended up in the trash over 17 home games per season.
Background: The PreZero Group is the waste disposal division of the Schwarz Group, which includes, among others, the retail groups LIDL and Kaufland.
Whole of Greece supplied with green electricity for the first time
Greece is becoming a pioneer in renewable energy. In early October, the country was completely supplied with green electricity for the first time in its history. For about five hours, only wind turbines, hydroelectric power plants and solar cells supplied electrical energy.
Even though Greece is again intensifying its coal mining since the war in Ukraine, the share of renewable energies is increasing: Just under half of the Greek electricity mix is currently generated with renewable energies. In Germany, by the way, the share is also rising sharply in the first half of 2022: From 41 to 48.5 percent (source: Federal Statistical Office).
In light of the good conditions for wind and solar energy, Greece is working to supply electricity from renewable sources to Germany as well. The pipeline is to run through Albania and other Balkan countries and supply Austria and southern Germany with Greek green electricity.
Rainforest breathes a sigh of relief: Climate change denier Bolsonaro voted out
The Amazon rainforest is considered the lungs of our planet. Accordingly, in the past four years, the world looked with concern at Brazil, where President Jair Bolsonaro, by dismantling environmental protection measures, ensured that deforestation and slash-and-burn increased massively. In addition, there were repeatedly serious human rights violations against environmentalists and indigenous Brazilians. during the term of office.
Bolsonaro’s successor, Lula da Silva (77) of the Workers’ Party, has announced that he will once again prioritize environmental and climate protection. In Lula’s first term from 2003 to 2011, the deforestation of the rainforest could almost be stopped.
Plastic manufacturers to pay for single-use waste in public places in future
In the fight against single-use products and the associated littering of cities, landscapes and water bodies, the German cabinet has approved a draft of a single-use plastics fund law. It is the final building block in the implementation of the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive. The aim of the EU directive is to limit the careless throwing away of waste into the environment and to use plastic more sustainably as a resource.
In particular, this concerns to-go food containers and beverage cups, bag and film packaging, lightweight carrier bags, wet wipes, balloons, and cigarette filters. With the draft law, the manufacturers of these single-use plastic products will be held jointly responsible in accordance with the polluter-pays principle. They are to cover the necessary costs of waste management measures, cleaning of public spaces and awareness-raising activities. The government expects about 450 million euros annually for the fund to be established, which is to help cities and municipalities in waste disposal.
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